The islands of the Gulf of Morbihan

Visit holidays near the Gulf of MorbihanBut it's impossible to miss the many islands that give it its character. The Gulf boasts no less than one thirty islandsThey vary in size and wildness. If it is impossible to visit all of them during your stay at our Morbihan campsiteSome are more essential than others. Take a day trip to explore and admire the scenery.

Île aux Moines and Île d'Arz

5 minutes by boat from Port-Blanc in Baden, l'île aux Moines is the largest island in the Gulf of Morbihan. It is also the most popular for its change of scenery. With its white fishermen's houses, gardens overlooking the sea, coastal path and megaliths, the island is ideal for a day trip. Bicycle paradiseThere are 14 kilometres of footpaths, all of which are easy to hire. There is also a cove where you can relax on the sand. And if you're wondering what to do in the Gulf of Morbihanby going to the Kergonan cromlech With its 34 menhirs arranged in a horseshoe shape, you're entering a more ancient and picturesque Brittany. Less impressive than the megaliths of Carnac, they are part of the Morbihan's historical and legendary heritage.

The second largest island, one of the world's the most beautiful corners of the Gulf of Morbihanis l'île d'Arz. Accessible from Vannes ferry terminal, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to disembark. With its 17 km coastal path, several walking routes to discover the island. Loved for its wild character and swimming spots, the island of Arz is also interesting for its two cultural sites: the Sailors and Captains Museum and the Berno tide mill. The latter, built before the XVIᵉ century by monks, is situated on a 300-metre-long dyke.


The Isle of Berder and the Isle of Gavrinis

Both can be accessed from Larmor-Baden, the islands of Berder and Gavrinis are steeped in history. A private island in the Gulf of Morbihan, like so many others, Berder is only accessible to visitors around the perimeter of the island via the coastal path. The 2.4-kilometre path offers a magnificent view of the gulf beneath its olive trees and mimosa trees, reminiscent of the southern Mediterranean. Enough to give you a short hike in Morbihan surrounded by seascapes. 

With a 15-minute round trip by boat, theGavrinis island can be discovered on a guided tour. Visit the Gavrinis cairnGavrinis, a funerary monument dating back to the Neolithic period, is a journey into the past, with a site built over 6,000 years ago. A visit to the island of Gavrinis will also amaze you with its walls adorned with engravings and concentric patterns that give it all its mysticism.

Tascon Island and Ilur Island

Located at the end of the bay, Tascon Island is linked to Saint-Armel. Accessible at low tide, you can enjoy a 2 to 3-hour walk in complete tranquillity. You might even spot a few herds of cows. A rural area, Île Tascon is home to the Le Menach family, who have run the local farm for four generations. With Sarzeau BayThe island is a favourite haunt of birds. Spending the winter in the Gulf, they take refuge on this land where nature still has its rights.

Another island that has retained its natural character: the island of Ilur. Attached to the Ile d'Arz, it is the property of the Conservatoire du Littoral. Managed by the Gulf of Morbihan Nature ParkThe island of Ilur is protected all year round by a warden who guarantees the preservation of its flora and fauna. A wilderness, it covers 40 hectares of meadows, marshes, small cliffs and dunes. The island is only accessible to yachtsmen, who can moor themselves on the beach.

Campsite Les Bruyères de Carnac

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